Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer Begins

Everything has turned green in town this week. The sun has come out and the weather has warmed. This is Summer, I hope.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Subway Edmonton Triathlon 2009

This weekend saw hundreds of Ironman wannabes converge on Cornation Pool and west Edmonton to compete in a fun mini triathlon. The race consists of
  • 1 km swim in Peter Hemingway Pool
  • 26 km cycle on Groat Road
  • 8 km run along Groat Road and Mackinnon Ravine
* see my flickr page for more photos

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Alberta Railway Museum

Had a chance to get out to the Alberta Railway Museum for its opening weekend of the season. Only downside was it was just starting to snow! In May! Had a lot of fun poking around and doing some pictures. Some great old trains and some great people to meet.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good Golly

Here is a shot I took last fall. I just signed up for a demo of a program called Nikon Capture NX2. It is used for touching up pictures. Man does this work great. Take a look at the original below and see what a difference it makes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Coronation Pool

The Peter Hemingway Fitness and Leisure Centre (formerly the Coronation Pool) in Coronation Park

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting Warmer

Driving back to work from lunch, I noticed some smoke coming out the U-Haul lot on the southside. Since I always carry my camera around, I decided to investigate. Workers next door said U-Haul were cutting the trucks apart and ignited their second fire in two weeks. The fire department squeezed a truck down the aisle and quickly put the fire out. Lots of smoke and some flames. My first 'news' shot with my digital camera.